Here is an absolutely beautiful presentation grade 101st
Airborne Crazy Horse® rifle.
It was built along with the rifles for the 101st and includes an LRB
receiver and has all GI parts.
The stock is a hand rubbed 100% tiger striped presentation grade GI
birch stock. The striping is amazing. These stock are simply no longer
available. You will not find another like it, ever.
The scope is the same as what the 101st Airborne purchased, a Leupold
Mk4 3.5 - 10 X 40 LR/T with an illuminated TMR reticle and in the Leupold
Dark Earth color. The retail price of the scope alone is $1700.
The barrel is a stainless Crazy Horse barrel with broach cut grooves.
Broach cut rifling is the best and most accurate rifling available.
This is the exact barrel used on the 101st rifles. It is marked "Crazy
Horse" and "S.E.I." and 502/101 ABN ASSLT." The
front sight is properly marked "U.S." and "S.E.I."
The rifle is a unique transition rifle which is marked 2ID on the
receiver, and with the 101st markings on the barrel.
Smith Enterprise has stopped all civilian orders due to the demands
of military contracts. You will not see another rifle like this.

Check out the illuminated reticle. WOW!
First shots 168 gr. AMAX at 100 yards, <1" or 1MOA.
